Group or private classes are given on Zoom.
For more information please call Ilona at 514-592-4946 or write her at

Classes are given once a week, for 5 weeks and last 2-1/2 hours every week.

About HypnoBirthing® Classes

Preparing You for a Positive Birth Experience

Whether you’re expecting your first child or your fifth, HypnoBirthing ®the Mongan method  helps you and your birth companion to prepare for a joyful, calm and fulfilling experience during the birth of your little child.

During your five week classes of 2-1/2 hours each, you will learn to use affirmations, deep relaxation techniques (self-hypnosis) and much more to prepare for an empowered and positive childbirth experience, lovingly supported by your birthing companion.

You will be shown videos of women giving birth calmly, easily with the HypnoBirthing ® will inspire and reassure you that this is possible.

Since 1997, I’ve had the privilege of helping soon-to-be parents welcome their precious newborns into the world. I am also a sought-after practitioner trainer and speaker on the HypnoBirthing® method.

I look forward to teaching you the HypnoBirthing® method so you and your birth partner can welcome your little bundle of joy in a pleasant, gentle and natural way.

Meet your teacher, Ilona Fritsch

HypnoBirthing® Prenatal Classes

Classes run once a week for 5 weeks

During this course, you will learn :

  • Release your deep rooted fears (especially about birth)
  • Deep relaxation techniques (self-hypnosis)
  • How your partner can become an integral part of this wonderful life changing experience and support you lovingly
  • Your birth can be a wonderful, calm, serene, joyful experience

Ilona gives her classes on Zoom.

Classes are offered in English and French

Child Birth Education Class Outline

Setting the Stage

Dehypnotizing & Building a Positive  Expectancy
Introduction & Philosophy
History of Women & Birthing
Pioneers in Natural Birthing
How the Uterus Works Normally
Emergency Room/Healing Room
Why Labor Hurts / Why it doesn’t have to hurt
Autonomic Nervous System-Fear-Tension-Pain-Syndrome
Hypnosis & Deep Relaxation

Falling in Love with Your Baby- prebirth Parenting - Preparing Your Mind and Body

Birth Videos
Prebirth, Perinatal, and Postnatal Bonding
Background of prebirth Bonding Studies
Suggestions for prebirth Bonding
Prenatal Bonding
Preparing your Mind and Body for Birthing Success
Five Basic HypnoBirthing Techniques
Self-Hypnosis and Relaxation
Preparing Your Body for Healthy Birthing
Body Toning Exercises
Perineal Massage

Advanced Visualization & Deepening

Birth Videos
Labor and Birthing Visualizations
Practice Scripts for Deepening  Relaxation
Birth Preferences
Hospital Tour, Registration
Breech Presentation
Looking at Your Guess Date (Due Date)
Special Circumstances
Avoiding Artificial Induction
Using Natural Means to Initiate Labor
Child Birth-A Labor of Love Prelude to Labor
Your Body and Your Baby-Working  with You and For You
Releasing Emotions, Fears and Limiting Thoughts

Overview and Summary of Childbirth

Birth Videos
Pre-labor Tricksters
Thinning and Opening Phase
Arriving at the Hospital
Birth Companion’s Role
Partner’s Affirmations for Birth
Birth Simply Explained
As Labor Moves Along
If Labor Slows or Rests
Misconceptions about Labor
Hallmarks of Labor—what is Happening as Labor Advances
Birth Rehearsal Imagery

Birthing—the Final Act and Bonding

Mother Nears Completion—thinning and opening phase ends
Optimal Positioning for Baby During Labor and Birth
Positions for Descent & Birthing
Repositioning Baby
Birthing Phase—Descent
Birth’s Perfect Design—the Final Act
First Breastfeeding—Self-Attachment
Baby’s First Hour

HypnoBirthing® the Mongan method offers expectant parents the skills to prepare for a gentle and natural birth experience by providing valuable techniques and knowledge which enable mothers to enjoy full empowerment of their birthing experience.

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Now in its 25th year, HypnoBirthing® is currently taught in 46 countries and has helped thousands of parents, including Pamela Anderson, Jessica Alba, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.

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