A different vision of birth and infants (2).
Another benefit that is not negligible is that the tools that helped us stay calm and focused during birth also help us to maintain that state in the sometimes difficult post birth period. We are very pleased that we have options that we can try when our daughter (who suffers from colic) is uncomfortable. If we can reduce the fear and recognize our innate abilities to bring a child into this world and then parent those children effectively we have gone a long way towards offering our children a very precious gift which is parents who are calm and less stressed. Working with families I see so many people who no longer listen to themselves and don’t trust their instincts. The HypnoBirthing course is one step in the process of reclaiming our power as parents. I sincerely hope that if you are expecting a child and reading this that you will take the next step of picking up the phone and calling to sign up for this course. How you treat yourself during pregnancy and birth will set the tone for your child’s and your family’s entire life. Birth can be a beautiful and peaceful experience and so can being a parent. HypnoBirthing can help you make this vision into a reality.