Unlike other childbirth methods that teach you how to cope with and manage pain, HypnoBirthing® is based on the premise that childbirth does not necessarily need to be painful if the mother is properly prepared and relaxed and supported. When women understand that pain is caused by constrictor hormones, created by fear they learn, instead, to release fear thus creating endorphins—the feel good hormones. They are then able to change their expectations of long, painful labor and are able to replace them with expectations of a more comfortable birthing. Rather than exhausting, shallow breathing and the distraction techniques of typical “prepared childbirth” programs, HypnoBirthing® parents learn deep abdominal breathing and total relaxation, enabling the laboring mother to work in harmony with her body and her baby. This allows her to achieve a shorter and more comfortable labor for herself and baby.
How does HypnoBirthing® differ from other childbirth preparation methods?
Hypnobirthing Canada > FAQs > How does HypnoBirthing® differ from other childbirth preparation methods?